Saturday, February 20, 2010

Carnival Tuesday 2010: Part 2

As I was going through pictures with some friends last night, I realized that I missed one of the most surprising costumes that I saw out on the road...

As I was going through pictures with some friends last night, I realized that I missed one of the most surprising costumes that I saw out on the road...

Can you believe that they walked around the streets of Trinidad, in 90+ degree temperatures? That's insane!! But how cool are those costumes?

Here are a few more pictures and costumes that I like that I thought I would throw out here since I wanted to add the Trini Revelers (the mas camp above). Enjoy!

These guys weren't in any mas camp (which is short of masquerade camp if I didn't already mention that somewhere), but I always think people who can do stuff like this are pretty cool.

Next up should be either J'ouvert or Kings & Queens. Stay tuned...

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