Saturday, February 20, 2010

Carnival Tuesday 2010: Part 2

As I was going through pictures with some friends last night, I realized that I missed one of the most surprising costumes that I saw out on the road...

As I was going through pictures with some friends last night, I realized that I missed one of the most surprising costumes that I saw out on the road...

Can you believe that they walked around the streets of Trinidad, in 90+ degree temperatures? That's insane!! But how cool are those costumes?

Here are a few more pictures and costumes that I like that I thought I would throw out here since I wanted to add the Trini Revelers (the mas camp above). Enjoy!

These guys weren't in any mas camp (which is short of masquerade camp if I didn't already mention that somewhere), but I always think people who can do stuff like this are pretty cool.

Next up should be either J'ouvert or Kings & Queens. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carnival Tuesday 2010

Wow! It has proven to me to be much more difficult to keep this blog maintained than I had anticipated this year. As previously mentioned, I have had a much more difficult workload and on top of that, I've been looking for a new job as my contract is up in June. But that is all a discussion for another time. Today we are here to celebrate Carnival!!!!

Carnival is an experience that can only be experienced in person. The excitement, the energy, the parties (called fetes)...I can try to explain to you or show you in pictures. But really, to truly understand, you need to live it.

This year, I was going to play Carnival (buy a costume and "chip" all around Port of Spain), but at the last minute I decided to not actively participate, but to rather try to document it a bit. I bought a new camera over our winter holiday, and I was itching to use it. So the following posts will be things that I saw or experienced during Carnival season this year. They necessarily be in chronological order, but I will do my best to get everything out there. I would go in sequential order, but that would mean that it would take me a while to get these pictures up, and I know there are people out there who are anxious to see them.

So without further ado, here is a handful of pictures I took of various bands...

Here is the littlest masquerader I saw along the parade route.

And now we have reached the "end" of the picture show.

J'ouvert and Kings & Queens pictures will be along in the coming days. I promise.