...in my life, I can say that I am proud to be an American. Now don't get me wrong, I have always felt very privileged to be a US citizen, more so now than ever as I have started to travel to new countries and see how other people live and other governments govern. But there is a quote from a song from one of my favorite bands, Endpoint, which probably most people reading this have never heard of before. The quote goes "I love my country but I won't close my eyes." And that is how I have felt for most of my life. I'm not going to ignore the faults and injustices that I see every day.
The United States of America is a great nation, but it far, far from perfect. But now, with the election of our new president, I, like millions of other US citizens, have hope that we can chip away at those imperfections. That we can rebuild our reputation and status across the globe, that we can come together as a people, as a nation, and do what is right.
People don't like to believe it, but there is still a considerable amount of racism in the US, both on an individual level and on a systemic level. Think about if you clutch your purse a little tighter when a black man passes you on the street. Think about if your heart beats a little faster if you approach a group of black male youths when you are out alone. Visit an inner city school and look at the conditions of the school vs. the conditions of a suburban school, or talk to the students and families and see if they truly get the same opportunities and are treated the same way as you are treated as a white person.
I'm not necessarily that if you feel different in these situations if I replace the word "black" with "white" that you are a racist. But I am saying that our society has not created this equal state that we are lead to believe it has. There are things, images, ideas, that are so ingrained in our subconscious by our upbringing and current media, that we still do treat people differently based on the color of their skin, what religion they adhere to, or their family heritage. However, this election is one step in the right direction to close that gap.
As I was typing this and trying to post it, still glowing in the election of president-elect Obama, I saw the results of a handful of propositions that were being voted on across the US, banning gay marriage and banning adoption of children by gay individuals and couples. All of these propositions passed, thus restricting the rights of citizens of the United States who want equal rights to love and care for each other and for children in dire need of a home. So while we have progressed to the point where we are not trying to intentionally discriminate against people with different color skin than our own, we as a nation still find it OK to publicly discriminate against gay people.
Well at least I was proud for about 20 minutes.